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Jenny Hutchins

Jenny works within our customer success team supporting fitness professionals to use Gymcatch to simplify their bookings and payments, enabling them to do more of what they do best; bring exercise to their community! As a qualified personal trainer and yoga instructor who uses Gymcatch herself, Jenny understands what is truly important to fitness professionals when it comes to booking systems and managing their businesses.

Image for What's important in your cancellation policy?

The power of the cancellation policy

By Fitness business management archives and news, Fitness industry archives and news, Fitness marketing and social archives and news, Gym and studios

We’ve all been there before, receiving that last minute message of “I’m sorry, I won’t be able to make it today” be it at 6am or 6pm, it can be frustrating. 

Cancellations can not only result in a loss in revenue, but also a poor level of communication between yourself and your customer which is one of the most important aspects of customer service. 

A clear cancellation policy can provide a fitness provider with the power to confidently run their sessions knowing that both themselves and their customers are protected.

Within this blog we will discuss aspects of a cancellation policy that you may want to consider when creating your own.

What should you consider when writing your cancellation policy:

  • Contact information
  • Cancellation without penalty 
  • Timeframe 
  • Cash or credit refund
  • Consequences 
  • Agreement 

Contact information

It’s always a good idea to start any cancellation policy with your contact details so that you are making it as easy as possible for your customers to reach out to you if they do need to cancel a session. It is within this section that you can specify whether you would like them to contact you directly or cancel their session manually on your booking system.

Cancellation without penalty

Are you going to allow customers to receive a cash or credit refund if they provide you sufficient notice of cancellation? Some businesses do not offer refunds at all (this is more typical with block bookings of a recurring session) where others provide a refund no matter when a customer cancels. Most businesses fall somewhere in between these two, but we appreciate that every business model is different so this is an important aspect to consider.


If you’ve decided to offer a refund when a customer provides sufficient notice of cancellation, then you will need to decide on a suitable time frame for how long before the session starts a customer can cancel and still receive a refund. The main thing that you need to consider when deciding on your cancellation period is allowing enough time to maximise your chances of selling the space that your customer is cancelling. If your sessions are frequently fully booked with a waitlist full of customers, then you can afford to have a shorter notice period, whereas if your sessions are harder to fill, then perhaps a longer notice period would be better suited.

Cash or credit refund

Some fitness providers like to offer their customers a full cash refund if they cancel in line with their policy, however if you’d rather keep the money in the business, then a refund credit may be the route to go down. Using a booking software like Gymcatch can help you with this automated issuing of a refund credit if a customer cancels in line with your policy, freeing up more of your time to do what you love!


If you’ve decided to issue a refund when a customer cancels in line with your policy, then it’s important to decide what the consequence is if they don’t cancel with enough notice. Most fitness providers will simply not offer a refund when a customer’s cancellation is actioned outside of this notice period, however those who offer full cash refunds upon a successful cancellation, may consider offering a 50% cash refund as a consequence. 


Once you’ve written your cancellation policy, the next step is to make it easy for customers to agree to it. Whether that is ticking a checkbox or signing your cancellation policy, making sure that your customer has read and understood your policy will help to avoid misunderstandings since they’re fully aware of how your business operates.


A cancellation policy can be presented to the customer both manually or automated through a booking and management software. With Gymcatch you can automatically present customers with your cancellation policy the first time they book with you without having to lift a finger, helping you to minimise the number of cancellations. 

Our online booking software and management system lets you set your cancellation policy to suit your business needs. You can choose to automatically issue customers with a credit that lets them book a replacement class if they provide you with enough notice and although cancellations are inevitable, when this happens, our waitlist feature allows you to fill up the cancelled space fast with no added admin time!

5 tips to help you create a social media marketing strategy for your fitness business

By Fitness business management archives and news, Fitness industry archives and news, Fitness marketing and social archives and news, Gym and studios

Social media has become ever more prevalent over the last 20 years. Whether you solely use Facebook or have gone on to the likes of Instagram or the increasingly popular Tiktok, we can all agree that social media plays a big role in our everyday lives and an even bigger one for fitness business marketing. 

When used correctly, social media can be one of the most powerful ways to market your business due to having access to an unlimited audience at no extra expense. 

Whether you’re creating a community on a Facebook group or want to show more authenticity and creativity over on Instagram or Tiktok, having a social media marketing strategy will help to convey your message and what you offer clearly and successfully, making advertising your business on social media easy, fun and a no brainer!

In this blog post we look at the ways you can create a successful marketing strategy for your fitness business during this social media age. 

When planning your social media content, it’s important to consider the 5 pillars of social media marketing:

  • Education 
  • Personal 
  • Entertain
  • Social proof
  • Sales


Offering value driven content on any social media channel will set you apart from the rest and your audience will see you as the expert in your field. Customers often purchase and invest in fitness providers since they want to learn more about health and fitness from a professional so that they can apply this to their everyday lives. At the end of the day a fitness professional’s main job is to teach, so if you’re able to give your audience a taste for what you could possibly teach them, it will keep them coming back for more!


Sharing your personal story on social media is always a great way to connect to your audience and potential new customers. We all love seeing a personal transformation, but what will create that deeper connection is showing your audience that you’re not only human, but have been exactly where they are right now. You understand how they’re feeling and their pain points and struggles which will help them to feel seen and understood by you and in turn build that possible new relationship and trust between you two. 


One of social media’s main purposes is to entertain us and provide us with that quick dopamine hit. If you’ve been on social media for a while, you’ll notice that your algorithm can quickly change based on what content you’re regularly consuming, so as a fitness professional it’s so important to include an element of entertainment within your social media marketing so that you can keep your audience engaged and increase those touch point chances. 

Social proof

Providing your audience and potential new customers with evidence of what you can offer them will make you more credible and be seen as an expert to them. Whether that is testimonials, before and afters or showing behind the scenes elements of a day in your life as a fitness provider, this will help tap into the basic human instinct to follow the actions of others, building trust, credibility and reducing barriers to making that first purchase from you. 


We’ve educated, shared, entertained and provided evidence, now we can’t forget to tell our audience how they can actually purchase from us. It can sometimes feel a bit ‘hard sales’ telling potential customers how they can work with you, but given it takes on average eight touchpoints (this number can vary depending on the industry) before a customer buys from you, it’s important to make this part as easy as possible for them.  


Once you’ve mastered your social media marketing pillars it’s time to create a visibility plan. Remember to take into consideration what social media channels your target audience are on, possibly investing in a scheduling software so that you can bulk create and schedule content and being realistic with how much available time you have to invest in your social media marketing. 


You can find more information on Gymcatch’s fitness and wellness booking and management software here. Get in contact to book a demo with one of the team or start your free trial.

software for personal trainers

Streamline your personal training bookings with Gymcatch 

By Fitness business management archives and news, Fitness industry archives and news, Fitness marketing and social archives and news, Gym and studios

Streamline your personal training bookings with our intuitive class booking and management software. 

Whether you offer 1:1, 2:1 or small group personal training sessions, Gymcatch ensures a hassle-free experience so that you can say goodbye to the complexities of manual systems and enjoy a simple and streamlined approach to managing schedules, bookings, payments and client interactions, enabling you to do more of what you love!

Over and above everything you’d expect to manage booking and payments, our PT focused features include:

Control visibility of your sessions 

Visibility management on Gymcatch is a great feature for personal trainers, enabling you to set your ‘open sessions’ as public and those for regular clients as private, ensuring you can both take new bookings and ensure clients’ regular spots are protected.  

You also have an automated waitlist feature that is included within our base plan to ensure that, no matter the size of your personal training sessions, you’re giving yourself the best chance to fill the space. 

Run business your way 

Personal trainers need the best of both worlds; a booking system that takes care of automation and recurring clients, whilst also the flexibility to give existing clients the option to book more or new slots. 

We give clients and Admins full control over packages and credit booking, ensuring you can let those that want to book and pay by themselves the freedom to do so, whilst also managing, or part-managing clients that don’t want that responsibility or small admin.

Easily onboard and upsell to customers 

Running a goal orientated course of personal training sessions is a great way to get new starters onboard or even upsell to existing customers. On Gymcatch you can easily create a course for a set number of sessions over a specified period of time and when either you or your customers book onto this course, they’ll automatically be booked onto all of the sessions within it. Saving both yourself and your customers time!

Quickly and tidily schedule your availability 

As a busy personal trainer you’re going to have a lot of identical sessions within your schedule showing your availability, whether that’s to book in with yourself or other trainers at your gym. Not only can you easily create a recurring series of sessions for these availability slots, but you can even use our consolidated sessions feature to group identical sessions each day for a tidier view on your schedule.


Experience the ease and efficiency of our personal training booking software, where managing your sessions becomes as fun as teaching them! Simplify your workflow, enhance your customer’s experiences and streamline your processes so that your business can create a community where accessing exercise is easy and enjoyable.

If you’re wanting to streamline your personal training business, then feel free to book a call with one of the team here.

Elevate your business as a yoga teacher

By Fitness business management archives and news, Fitness industry archives and news, Fitness marketing and social archives and news, Yoga

Wellness and self-care are an ever increasing part of people’s personal goals and priorities, driving an ever increasing societal interest in yoga.

We understand how challenging it can be to stand out from the crowd as a yoga teacher, so we’re here to help you. In this article we will discuss how to elevate your practices, find balance and embrace the flow of both business and life.

Understand your customer’s schedule and commitment

Defining your ideal customer is so important to ensure that what you’re offering is exactly what your customers have been looking for. Taking the time to ask your customers what they want will help you to determine your schedule, class structure, whether you want to offer 1-2-1 or larger group classes and pricing. This practice of defining your ideal customer will also allow you to discover the average ability level of your customers and plan a class around this with appropriate modifications and adding in your own unique style to stand out from the crowd!

Design your business model accordingly

Once you’ve defined your ideal customer, you can then design your business model accordingly. Knowing whether you should offer a flexible PAYG option, courses that are in line with term time to help with attendance or even memberships for a longer term commitment and automated billing, will help you to not only offer payment options that best suit your customers but also streamline your business. 

Free up time for yourself

As you get busier and busier as a business owner, time becomes an ever increasing commodity. No matter how busy you are, it is important to free up time for yourself to allow space for self-reflection, continued learning and committing to your own self-practice. Providing yourself with this free time is so valuable when it comes to developing and elevating your business. 

Automate your business

Having a booking system that allows you to automate administrative tasks will free up more time to focus on your business model, continued learning and most importantly finding balance as a business owner. 

Effortlessly and cost effectively manage your schedule, bookings, payments and customers with Gymcatch’s booking system which is designed to make life feel easier for you and your clients. Whether you’re offering 1:1 or group practices, pay-as-you-go or block bookings, Gymcatch is here to support you and your business whatever your business model to help you to go with the flow of business and life. 

Regularly review your business

It is important that you take a step back from being in the business to allow you to regularly review your ideal customer, business model and tools that you use to see where they can be improved. Reviewing your business every quarter will allow you to ensure that what you’re offering is exactly what your customers are looking for and that this is as streamlined as it can be, to help you stand out from the crowd.

Gymcatch’s yoga booking software can help you to elevate your business, allowing you to reach more students, offer personalised experiences, and strengthen your yoga community. Your dedication to guiding others toward wellness deserves a partner that shares your passion and supports your growth.

How to make your life easier as a fitness professional

By Fitness business management archives and news, Fitness industry archives and news, Fitness marketing and social archives and news

Here at Gymcatch we understand that owning your own fitness business can be stressful, adding that with the usual day-to-day life stresses that are outside of our control, can make you feel like you’re just about treading water. That’s why we’re all about making life, especially business, as easy as possible.

In this blog, we discuss how you can automate your business with Gymcatch this year to increase revenue, reduce stress and make life feel that little bit easier.

Payment on booking

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly sending out invoices and chasing payments? Receiving payment on booking avoids the need to keep logging into your accounting software, manually sending out invoices and having that awkward conversation when a customer is late paying. 

Create a Stripe account, connect it to your Gymcatch account and start receiving payment on booking – It’s that easy to start securing revenue, reducing no shows since customers have paid in advance and reducing admin time!

Collect customer information on first booking 

We’ve all been there, manually sending out waivers or questionnaires, waiting for customers to complete them and then having piles of paperwork to store. With Gymcatch, you can enable our participation information bolt-on feature so that customers are asked to complete all the necessary forms before they are able to book and pay for their first class with you and once completed, they are stored on their customer record on your Gymcatch account.

No more chasing customers to complete their forms and no more drowning in paperwork – Win win!

Automated waitlists 

It’s always important to ensure that your classes are fully booked, especially when you’re paying an hourly fee to rent a space to host your class in. Our automated waitlists feature is not only included within our base plan, but also allows you to keep your sessions fully booked without the need to lift a finger.

If a customer cancels their space on a fully booked session, those customers who are on the waitlist will automatically be notified via email that a space has become available and then it’s first come first serve as to who books and pays for this space first.

Cancellation policy & automated refund credits 

We’ve all encountered scenarios like this: Rise at 5 AM, hastily dress, and arrive just in time for a 6 AM client session. As you check your emails a few minutes ahead, you discover an email from your 6 AM client, announcing their cancellation at 5:40 AM and then asking for a refund or to reschedule their session. A frustrating start to the day, right?

This is why it is so important to safeguard yourself and your business through a well-defined cancellation policy that your clients understand and have agreed to so that you can avoid situations like this. 

Automating refund credits is also a great way to allow clients to reschedule their sessions if cancelled in line with your cancellation policy and keep the money in the business without you ever having to get involved. Reducing these awkward conversations, reducing admin and reducing stress.

Gymcatch in your pocket

You can automate your business as much as you want to, but there’s always going to be times that you need to have access to your booking software whilst in a coffee shop catching up with a friend. 

You’ve got access to special ‘on-the-go’ features within the Gymcatch iOS and Android apps. You can check the roster, mark customers as paid and attended and stay in touch with attendees all from your phone, allowing you to manage your business no matter where you are. 


If you’re ready for business, and life, to feel that little bit easier, then register your Gymcatch business account today!

Image for How to raise your prices blog post

5 ways to share the love on Gymcatch this February

By Fitness business management archives and news, Fitness industry archives and news, Fitness marketing and social archives and news

February, the official month of love, is a great time to share the love with your customers and other business owners on Gymcatch. Whether you’re rewarding your long standing customers for their commitment, creating a seasonal offer or helping out your friend who has just started their fitness business, we’re here to show you how you can spread the love like confetti!

In this blog, we share 5 ways that you can give back to your customers and friends this February and beyond. 

Refer a friend

A refer a friend scheme is a great way to not only increase revenue and reward existing customers, but to help with increasing exercise participation by getting friends to work out together. 

You can use our discount codes bolt-on feature to create a discount code that your existing customer can pass onto their friend. They would use this code at checkout and upon attending the session, you can then thank your existing customer by gifting them with either a bundle, pass or another discount code that they can use on their next booking with you. 

Priority access 

Nothing will make a customer feel more special than giving them priority access to your sessions. Our priority access feature is a great way to reward long standing customers by allowing them to secure their space on your most popular of classes and best thing yet, this priority access feature is included within our base plan so there’s no excuse not to make your customers feel special. 

Free trials 

Offering a free trial period is a great way to convert possible new customers since you’re reducing those barriers and making it as easy as possible for them to book their first class with you and it shows that you care about them, allowing them to try a class for free and making sure that you two are a good match before committing. 

Every business will configure a free period differently, whether that is offering one or multiple classes. Either way, with Gymcatch, you can create a free pass, assign specific sessions to the pass and set a time limit for it to be used within. You’ll always have complete visibility of who’s redeemed the pass as well, this means that you can give this new customer specific focus and attention when they attend their first class with you, not only making them feel special but also giving you the best chance of converting them into a paying customer. 

Discount codes

Our discount codes bolt-on feature is a quick and easy way to create seasonal offers and even give one-off rewards to customers for their commitment or for reaching specific landmarks within their wellness journey.

You can easily create a discount code on Gymcatch and personalise it to suit your needs, whether that is setting a specific validity period for the code, only allowing the code to be used on specific sessions, limiting the use to specific customers or for a total number of redemptions and even capping the code at one redemption per customer. 

Business referral scheme 

February isn’t just a time of year to reward your customers, you can also share the love with any friends who are just starting their fitness business. 

Our referral scheme allows you to refer a new business to Gymcatch where they will benefit from an additional free month on top of our introductory free trial. As a thank you we will also credit you with two months when they make their first subscription payment. 

All you need to do is simply share your referral URL or unique code and when a new business registers, either via the link or inputting the code at registration, we take care of the rest.


If you’re ready to give back to your customers and friends this February and beyond, then get in touch with us so that you can get started with Gymcatch today and we can help you share the love.