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A booking and scheduling system for health and exercise businesses

Simplicity and convenience for you, your team and your clients.

1 month free. No credit card required. Cancel anytime.

Class-appointment event scheduling

Class, appointment & event scheduling

Make it easy for existing and prospective clients to find your schedule and book your services. Gymcatch provides a complete suite of tools that mean you clients can book in a way that suits them and you. You can embed Gymcatch in your website, link it to your Facebook page and your clients can always find your schedule, book and pay using our web, iOS and Android apps.

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Class-appointment event scheduling

Flexible and convenient booking and scheduling

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Book online and through your website

As well as using our web booking site, you can embed Gymcatch in your website so customers can find, book and pay for your services without navigating to an external site. Strengthen your brand and customer relationships with regular and repeat visits to your website and provide customers with complete convenience.

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iOS and Android apps

Clients can use native iOS and Android apps to book and pay for your services providing them with a slick, efficient service. With more and more consumers using mobile apps for commerce and information, slick mobile booking and scheduling help increase visits, bookings and revenue.

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Your Business Portal

Our business management portal provides you and your team with an intuitive, one-stop shop for managing and operating your health or exercise business. Quick to set up and easy to maintain, Gymcatch provides all the support your business needs to succeed.

Gymcatch is powered by referrals

1000s of business owners, sharing a passion for fitness, reducing admin and increasing revenue.

Proudly partnered with

Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity
JPilates logo
Yoga Alliance logo for partners page

Professional booking and customer management software at unbeatable value

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1 month free. No credit card required. Cancel anytime.