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Management software for dance businesses

Dance class booking software at unbeatable value.

1 month free. No credit card required. Cancel anytime.

Dance class studio management software for every business

Whether an instructor in the community or running your own studio, Gymcatch has you covered. Straightforward class booking for clients, tools to eliminate no-shows and increase revenue. Our price structure is straightforward and transparent. We don’t charge extra to add additional team members, or increase our prices the more clients you have or the more bookings you take so your costs don’t increase as you grow. 

However you like to sell your services, we have the tools to support it. Sell digital class credits (bundles), blocks (courses) as well as passes and memberships for in-person, livestream or on demand services. Client administration is simplified with convenient and simple tools to get your clients through waivers, PAR-Qs and required personal information

More on studios

The complete dance studio scheduling software package

Our booking platform provides you and your clients with a complete digital solution that allows your clients to browse, book and pay using iOS, Android, web apps, mobile apps or from your own website with our embedded web integration. You can upload, manage and update your schedule anywhere, anytime. Dedicate less time to your desk, and more time to delivery. 

More on scheduling

Dance class management software for every instructor

You work hard to build your business and we work hard to make running dance businesses as easy as possible. Whatever the stage of your business and however many customers you have, our dance class studio management software is the one-stop solution to manage all your classes, payments, bookings, memberships and customer communications.

More on memberships

Livestream and on demand video made easy

Simple and easy to use technology has made it possible for businesses of any size to offer clients video content. Providing online services gives clients greater convenience and dance businesses with flexibility and growth opportunities. With Gymcatch you can share and manage links for livestream or on-demand content. Integrate with Zoom to auto-generate, share and update meetings in one place.

More on virtual

The ultimate free dance studio software trial

We believe that great software should be affordable for every fitness business. We don’t scale costs with usage, after the free trial period businesses are billed on a rolling, month-to-month basis with a simple pricing package where you pay for the base plan and any then any bolt on features that you need.

You can also make Gymcatch even more affordable by utilising the free months that you can earn through our peer-to-peer referral scheme which can make the very best value in the sector even better value.

More on pricing

Our dance class booking software makes your business more efficient

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Complete digital offering

Gymcatch provides your dance business with a complete digital presence.  Business owners, your team, customers and prospects have a one-stop solution.  The Gymcatch booking platform solves delivery solutions for in-person, livestream and on demand services across web, iOS and Android. 

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Payments and billing

Receive payments direct through Stripe. Automate branded receipts. Optionally offer ‘pay on the door’ selection for cash buyers and link to your accounting software.

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Drop-ins and multi-buy

Set different drop-in ticket prices and enable customers to multi-buy for friends and family. Includes all the features you need to maximise revenue and offer promotions with wait lists, cancellation policy with auto-refund and discount codes all included.

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Packages and courses

Take card payment for pay as you go clients, create passes, bundles, memberships and free trial options that can be purchased and tracked, all with customisable terms and conditions. And for courses our features allow your clients to sign up for a course in one simple transaction block booking with the option to open up sessions for drop-ins and swaps.

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Website and Facebook

Link from anywhere to your Gymcatch booking page or embed the booking process directly into your existing website.

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Analytics and exports

Run custom booking and purchase, attendance, instructor and pricing reports across your business. Easily export reports, customer information and register information to .csv files.

Gymcatch is powered by referrals

1000s of business owners, sharing a passion for fitness, reducing admin and increasing revenue.

Proudly partnered with

<strong>Professional booking and customer management software at unbeatable value</strong>

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1 month free. No credit card required. Cancel anytime.