Cafe Root & Well-being Studio


Yoga & Ayurveda - Embracing optimum health & vitality


Yoga and Ayurveda are deeply rooted in ancient and modern Indian culture and share a common goal: promoting longevity through holistic health and well-being. Katy and Mabel are thrilled to offer this movement and knowledge-sharing workshop exploring how the ancient practices of Yoga and Ayurveda can support overall health and vitality. Both facilitators share a wealth of knowledge and experience and are advocates for promoting optimum health through a wellness routine that is unique to individual constitutions. In this workshop you will learn: • A brief history of Ayurveda and the Ayurvedic healing system • The three Doshas and how to find out your body constitution • Body Constitution; balance (Prakriti) and imbalance (Vikriti) in Ayurveda • How a yoga practice can support your Dosha type • Seasonal Ayurvedic diet and nutrition to best suit your Dosha type This workshop has previously sold out so early booking is advisable. Delicious chai, cake, nibbles and handouts are included. With Katy Szarko, Radical Rester & Yoga Instructor & Mabel Armitage, Ayurvedic practitioner with a background in Nursing

Cancellation policy

Please note any cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be subject to full charge of session.