Well-Being with Emma B



Hatha and Yin Yoga classes and workshops, Forest Bathing, Natural Mindfulness walks and Sound Bath experiences. British Wheel of Yoga teacher since 2000, Yin yoga since 2016. Forest Therapy Institute FTI Guide since 2019, Cotswold Natural Mindfulness guide since 2020. Sound Therapy Company trained since 2019. Trauma S...

Chakra Energy Mini Retreat


This is a collaboration between myself and Jackie (‘Let’s Flow’) and we invite you to a truly special event which allows you to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Together, we will guide you through your chakra energy and help you discover ways to balance your subtle energy system. The focus is on restoring your optimal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. This unique Chakra Energy Mini Retreat offers Forest Bathing (Slow, mindful walk in Nature) Gentle yoga, meditation, Yin and Sound Bath experience. This time and space is beneficial to all levels of practice, including beginners. All props will be provided for your use but please do bring along your own mat if you have one. Wear suitable clothes to move around comfortably in and sensible walking shoes/outer wear for the walk. You may also like to bring a bottle for water (drinking water will be available at the venue). There will be snacks/taster food and drinks available, which reflect the energies of the Chakra Journey. All tasters are optional and you are welcome to bring your own food too. Please do let us know if there are any personal food allergies, we need to be aware of. More information will be given nearer the day. Please note: For the Sound Bath precautions need to taken if the following applies: Pregnancy (not recommended under 3 months). Tinnitus, Epilepsy – any condition which is sound sensitive. Metal implants / pins / screws / pacemaker. Bookings are non-refundable. However, life happens and we understand. If your space can be taken by someone else, a part refund can be arranged.

Cancellation policy

Bookings are non-refundable. However, life happens and we understand. If your space can be taken by someone else on the waitlist, a part refund can be arranged.